She’s A Crowd

Not The Only Crisis


Gathering first hand data of domestic and gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Helping decision makers better understand domestic and gender-based violence during COVID-19.


During COVID-19, rates of domestic and gender-based violence skyrocketed, and government response (e.g., funding hotlines) was insufficient. She's A Crowd had to figure out how to help in this second health crisis.


A three-phase social media campaign that educated audiences on the crisis, gathered first-hand data of violence during the pandemic, and provided its community with educational and safety resources.


Within four weeks, the campaign reached 261,742 Australians (3,000%+ from previous campaign efforts) and gathered 700 new qualitative data points (600%+ from previous efforts), helping decision makers better understand and respond to gender-based violence during COVID-19.

My Role

  • Campaign & Project Management

  • Research & Strategy

  • Content Creation

  • Copywriting

  • Community Management

  • Performance Analysis & Reporting

Phase 1: Educating our audience on the situation, and connecting survivors with COVID-19 specific resources

Phase 1:

Educating our audience on the situation, and connecting survivors with COVID-19 specific resources

Phase 2: Gathering first hand, qualitative data of violence during the pandemic to be shared with Victorian decision makers

Phase 2:

Gathering first hand, qualitative data of violence during the pandemic to be shared with Victorian decision makers

Phase 3:Engaging the community and leading them to educational and support resources

Phase 3:

Engaging the community and leading them to educational and support resources